What’s the one thing you try to do every day in the pursuit of success?
As complexity and demand rise in the workplace,it isn’t surprising that people become obsessed with shortcuts. Juggling competing projects and priorities in today’s fast-paced business world can make a business professionalfeel compelled to go from A to B in the speediest and most convenient way.
Great leaders, entrepreneurs and visionaries accomplish big things by starting first with one thing, whether it's following up on an insightful question, pursuing a single point of focus or taking on a healthy habit.
I reached out to some of today’s brightest management thinkers, workplace experts and thought leaders, asking, “What’s the one thing you try to do every day in the pursuit of success?”
Here are the insights the experts shared:
Align time and purpose.
"Great leaders perpetually reprioritize where and how they spend their time as they let their core vision guide them. Today, the pace of change shifts situations at such a rapid pace, leaders must challenge themselves every day to focus on the ‘right things.’ I think of it as an elegant tightrope walk: Every critical step forward sustains your focus, keeps you upright and moves you closer to your goal."
--Kathy Kavanagh, pwC leadership development leader
"One thing that distinguishes great leaders is their ability to use rigorous analysis to make decisions and then take action. To meet the challenge at hand, I select a data-driven decision framework that helps me systematically work through issues to reach a conclusion. The objectivity embedded in the framework gives me perspective and prevents decision biases from blocking the best choice."
Value every perspective.
"Every person has unique value. Find a way to establish a relationship with him or herand empower that person to express that unique value. When the time is right, that person will help you achieve your goals. Extraordinary things can happen when you find a way to bring the right people into your critical conversations every day."
-- Carolyn J. Lukensmeyer, author ofBringing Citizen Voices to the Table
Stay present and engaged.
"Great leaders grow their self-awareness every day. Self-awareness isn’t a skill -- it’s a commitment to regularly gain insight about who you are and how others see you. At the beginning of the day, they might ask, What am I trying to improve right now and how will I practice it? At the end of the day, they review, How did I do and what did I learn?"
-- Tasha Eurich, author ofBankable Leadership
Turn setbacks into learning.
"I make a conscious choice every day to accept setbacks as part of the journey. Whether it's a failure, a setback or a misstep, I view it as an opportunity to learn and to be wiser in thefuture. Where did we get the notion that pursuing our dreams should happen flawlessly and orderly? progress and success look messy behind the scenes."
-- Fauzia Burke,digital marketer and president ofFSB Associates
Align personal hopes and business goals.
"Focus on what you want out of life, your goals and aspirations. Let your business support your personal growth. Never let it be all-encompassing. Give generously in private, pursue win-win relationships, focus on efficiency in your work and spend time in thought and learning. Taking these actions will ensure your personal and public successes, lead to wealth and make you an asset to the world."
--Mark Beckner, author ofThe Coder’s path to Wealth and Independence
Focus on authentic purpose.
"I balance my natural drive for speed and impact with a counterbalancing drive for significance, innovation and sustained customer intimacy. This involves slowing down and moving from transactive management, which focuses on speed, content, accuracy and productivity, to transformativeleadership, which focuses on significance, context, authenticity and purpose. This critical shift requires constant diligence, discipline and practice."
-- Kevin Cashman, founder of the Chief Executive Instituteand author
--加勒特B。Gunderson,公司首席执行官WealthFactory.com 《杀牛记》的作者
一个成功的倡议或启动最终只是日常决策和行动的反映,在每个人之间展开milestone.It 不能在一夜之间从概念变成完全执行的计划,但它会随着你完成每个目标而依次推进。做第一件事是到达终点线的先决条件。