When it comes to the best teams in the world, whether on the football field or in the corporate arena, they all possess similar characteristics that make them special and different than just the average or good teams that rarely make that jump to greatness.
Here are three characteristics that all high-performing teams instill within their organizations and never lose sight of.
1.High-performing teams are unselfish.
You will never find a championship-caliber team at any level that doesn’t model unselfishness in everything that its membersdo. 58003
Amazing things begin to happen when you have a group of unselfish people that all come together for the betterment of the team. But ateam that is completely unselfish is very rare these days because of the inpidualistic world that we live in. It’s all about glitz,glamor, status and money for most. However, the thriving teams that year after year continually dominate know that those things will eventually come to them ifthey perform better as a team.
2.High-performing teams operate like a strong family.
Mike Krzyzewski, in my humble opinion one of the greatest basketball coaches of alltime, once said, “When your organization operates like a strong family, you can’t be knocked out by one punch.”
Walk down the halls of a sports franchise such as the New England patriots and companiessuch as Apple and it won’t take you long to p out that they operate out of love in all they do.These institutions truly love theiremployees. The employees believe in and absolutely love the organization they work for.
Operating as a strong family and truly loving and appreciating your teammates builds a healthy and thriving culture. Even if employees and teammates don’t hang out much outside of the workplace, they understand that putting the team first and appreciating each other is an absolute must.
3.High-performing teams listen.
Anunderrated characteristic, but an absolutely crucial one when referring to building strong and powerful teams is the power oflistening: Leadership willing to listen to employees within the organization,employees having constant communication with other team members,and listening to the marketplace and current customers on where the company can grow and become better.
Being willing to listen shows that you care. One of the more powerful things that a leader can do to create an exceptional and healthy culture is to let everyone know that there isan open line of communication and he or sheis willing to listen. All high-performing teams not only communicate better than most teams, but they are willing to listen more than most teams.
There are so many different qualities and characteristics that make the top teams tick, but the above three cannot be ignored when looking to build a stronger organization and team. Just like anything worthwhile, the above characteristics are not easy and will take some time to successfully implement, but the long-term results and theculture that will be built will be well worth it.